Zoran Vacić is the president of CLDS. His research is mainly focused to heath insurance policies and social policies. He was a Member of Serbian Parliament 1993/97 for Democratic Party. Dr Vacic is editor of Pavilion 38 edition. He has published articles in the field of health insurance policies, pensions and life issurance policies and political philosophy, as well as the book What is the Purpose of This Parliament? (1999). As of 2006, director of Politika AD.
Zoran Vacić je predsednik CLDS. Pretežno izučava zdravstvenu i socijalnu politiku, kao i funkcionisanje demokratskih ustanova u Srbiji. Narodni poslanik u Skupšstini Republike Srbije od 1993. do 1997. godine. Urednik biblioteke Paviljon 38. Objavio više desetina radova iz oblasti zdravstvene politike, penzijskih sistema i politčke filozofije, kao i knjigu Čemu ovakva skupština? (1999). Od 2006. godine, direktor Politike AD.