Home > Activities > Completed projects > Corporate governance   


Project manager :
 Boško Mijatović

  Project team:
        Boris Begović    
        Boško Mijatović
        Marko Paunović
        Boško Živković
        Milica Bisić
        Катарина Ђулић
        Ана Јоловић  

Brief No 1  
Brief No 2  
Brief No 3  Brif 3.pdf
published by CIPE as...  CIPE CG.pdf


The study is a continuation of corporate governance research in Serbia conducted by the Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies. The previous one, written in 2003, marked a commencement and set the foundations not only for the
CLDS, but Serbia in general. The purpose of the new one is to investigate what has happened in the meantime, what are the effects and what else could be done in this important area of economic life. Analysis of corporate governance relies on two pillars. The first is composed of empirical data collected on the basis of a special survey designed for this study, and data on change of ownership structure through trading on the
market. The second pillar comprises analysis of legislation, primarily solutions of the Company Law, Law on Trade in Securities and Takeover Law. Analysis of the actual state of corporate governance and pertinent legislation have led
to suggestions for changes in the legislative framework, which was the main purpose of this study.